Young businessman getting bad news via email

Change is inevitable. Change is beneficial and often very lucrative. Some embrace change and even thrive on it.

Others stay in their comfort zone because they hate change. Refusal to change could cause you to be left behind.

To deny the power of the Internet and the strategies for marketing is equivalent to burying your head in the sand. How many offices do you see using typewriters these days? How many dial up phones do you see? Exactly. Times have changed and change is ongoing. You have to keep up or you will be left behind.

The need to stay current is crucial to your success in any avenue of life but especially important for business growth and development.

The development of an SEO marketing strategy for your business is vital to your business staying current.

Yes, having a website is important, in fact necessary. But, is that enough? Without generating traffic to your website you will not be fully utilizing the power of the Internet marketing to your best advantage.

How do you continue to generate traffic to your website?

The most effective way is to develop content and use keyword strategy that interests users.

Quality content is not just a hodge podge of words thrown together to fill space. Not only does this demonstrate a lack of talent and professionalism, this will quickly label you as a spammer.

Maintaining high standards for quality content is a necessity for the success of your SEO marketing strategy. Orangehat takes this seriously and will work with you to determine your best course of action and develop a plan for success.

Let us audit your website and make suggestions, show you samples of work we have done and come up with a plan that involves you, the client, and Orangehat to work together to implement change.

Don’t let refusal to change cause you to be left behind.

Contact Orangehat today at 800-788-8596.

Orangehat Content Marketing, SEO, and social media marketing

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agent October 9, 2013 0 Comments


It’s not “Dancing with the Stars” for sure.

Google dancing with Panda and Penguin is full of terms and lingo that would make any novice squirm with questions. How do we do the Google dance with Panda and Penguin?

Lets talk about who they are or rather what they are. Panda was created by Google to monitor site quality. Panda is a new ranking factor. Is the site worth searching for, does it meet the required standards set by Google? Google calls this “high quality sites algorithm.” An algorithm is used as a measurement of a Web site to determine its relevance on the Internet.

When the change rolled out in 2011 there were many unhappy site owners. Panda began blocking sites that didn’t meet their criteria. New updates to Panda continue to roll out which are said to be even more “finely targeted.”

Penguin was created to look for suspicious links, schemers. Penguin launched in April 2012 to catch spammers who buy links or obtain them through link networks for the purpose of boosting rankings. Penguin update 2.0 which was released in May 2013 hit hard on pornagraphy sites, game sites, big brand sites, believe it or not The Salvation Army and

A word to the wise, be diligent what is allowed on your site.

Even spelling is important to quality content. Empty content, words to fill space for the sake of creating content doesn’t work. Creating quality content works and will work for you.

Orangehat is about SEO content and creating marketing strategies to optimize your website traffic which improves sales, gets your business noticed, and creates a win/win situation.

This is a process that involves both you the client and Orangehat.

Let Orangehat perform a free Website SEO audit and show you Live Client examples. We are ready, willing and able to work for you.

Call us at 800-788-8596.

Agent Orange: SEO Consultant

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agent October 7, 2013 0 Comments

Orangehat Expert SEO Tips

With a little effort, lots of guidance and strategy you can make your website sizzle and maximize your SEO for success. Make sure your site is accessible to search engines.

Don’t underestimate the power of Networking can have on SEO!

Meeting new people, exchanging ideas opens up opportunity to new blogging, marketing ideas, and builds good public relations.

Content is crucial so make sure that you have quality content on your page. Stay current and use the keywords or keyword phrases that best work for your product and services.

Use the tools that are out there, let’s face it Social Media is here to stay.

Learn more about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and learn to understand how to use them to your advantage.

Page ranking is important but not the only factor, don’t focus only on that, rather, focus on maintaining quality content and information on the website.

Adding new content to your page on a regular basis keeps the page interesting and alive and will generate traffic.

If you don’t update and change your website often you will need to blog at least three times a week to keep searches fresh.

Search optimization is not a one time job, its a daily and ongoing process.

Orangehat will work to help you determine the best strategy for marketing your business and increasing traffic to your website.

Contact Orangehats for a free website SEO audit and see what we can do for you!

Call us today at 800-788-8596

Orangehat Content Marketing, SEO, and social media marketing

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agent October 2, 2013 0 Comments

If you haven’t utilized the Internet for increasing sales in your business you are losing out.

Anything and everything that sells products and services are using Ecommerce to generate sales.SEO for  ecommerce

Mom and Pop brick and mortar stores are still around but some are actually beginning to thrive on their internet business.

What makes a successful internet business using Ecommerce?

Location, location, location, we’ve all heard this and its true.

The location of a business can make or break you! However, even with the best location possible there still is another viable solution to marketing your business and increasing sales far beyond those who come to your location.

This is where the internet comes into play. Your marketplace on the internet is wide open. With marketing strategies in place Orangehat is able to help you utilize and maximize results to increase sales via your website.

How big of a role does Ecommerce SEO play in this?

A website is essential to marketing your business. Compare your website to a billboard of sorts. People may not read every line of your website. They may scan for the portions that are of interest to them.

Sure, graphics and visual eye catching designs are strong and will draw attention to your website.

Keeping interest in your website involves using content targeted to your market.

Orangehat can not only help you maintain your website we will help you narrow down what content you need on your website to generate traffic.

Let us help you make Ecommerce work for you. Its your future and you can start now to succeed.

Agent Orange: SEO Consultant


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agent September 30, 2013 0 Comments

Bing , formerly known by different names as Live Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search is a search engine developed by Microsoft. It was released on 1 st June 2009.

Orangehat's history on Bing

The word “bing” is an onomatopoeia .

Microsoft said that this name was chosen because it was “memorable, short, easy to spell and it can function as a URL.”

In its final version, Bing offers the following search options:

  • Websites
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Shopping
  • News
  • Maps
  • Travel

According to Microsoft, this search engine is innovative in terms of algorithms, resulting in more relevant results, more organized and classified into thematic sections . In addition, new features have been added, such as price comparison .

The goal of this Microsoft search engine is to better compete with the supremacy of the giant Google , the absolute leader in this sector. This accounted for about 65.3% of market share on the date of April 2009.   At the launch of Bing , Microsoft has provided a communication budget of between $80 and $100 million.

This search engine is integrated into the pages of MSN and Windows Live. In July 2009, a partnership was established between Microsoft and Yahoo! This agreement provides that Bing’s algorithm provides the search engine Yahoo! Search Yahoo! portals.

In May 2010, Microsoft announced an alliance with the Canadian manufacturer Research in Motion (all competitors in the field of mobile operating systems) that provides for the integration of Bing as the default search engine in mobile devices such as Blackberry.

The advertising campaign by Microsoft is risky since spending two euros in the promotion brings them just a euro as operating income , therefore generates more than $ 2.5 million in losses as seen in the last year.

The performance of the industry search engine by Microsoft in September 2011 indicate worse outcomes again: since the creation of this division, the company has suffered more than $ 9 billion in losses .

Proposed functions:

  • Search the web
  • Image Search
  • Search videos (with a selection start in the full version)
  • Price comparison via Ciao
  • Search in the news (with articles compiled automatically in the full version)
  • Search on a map ( Bing Maps )
  • Search travel (not available on the beta)
  • Wire feed on every page of results

Bing Facebook integration intensifies

Continuing the integration of data from social networks in its search engine Bing, Microsoft has added new features related to Facebook.

Now, users who use Bing associated with their Facebook account can view comments related to a search result and add their own. They can also “like” a post without leaving Bing and more specifically the “social bar” that appears on the right side of the page.

This bar was introduced last year with the ability to view contextual posts from not only Facebook, but also Twitter, Foursquare and Klout. Earlier this year, Microsoft had already changed its search for photos of friends via Facebook by adopting a layout inspired by Windows 8 and a slideshow mode.

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agent July 1, 2013 0 Comments

Content marketing is a marketing strategy

Orangehat knows content marketingThis form of marketing involves creating and publishing media content to acquire new customers.

This informative content, useful or entertaining, can be presented as news, blogs, videos, white papers , ebooks, graphics, case studies, guides, systems Q , photos, forums, press releases, etc..

Content marketing is especially developed on the web so that it differs from advertising, which is traditionally displayed as advertising through the means of banners and images on websites.

Businesses write about real scenarios often using storytelling on their sites, then distribute the new information to the different social networks. They then can engage in a real conversation with their community of fans or customers. Building Trust and Loyalty.

Content marketing is not focused on the sale , but simply communicates with customers and prospects with programs that promote elements of brand equity. Many online marketing campaigns will feature social responsibility, cultural heritage, and their ability to innovate.

This marketing channel is distinguished from advertising that must sell (spot, banner advertising , product placement ) and sponsorship that brings visibility.

Content marketing sends a relevant message about your product or your service at the right time, to the right people. Subtly done, it will directly improve performance and reader demand (potential prospects).

By creating great content, you can create more openings for a sale, generate traffic to your website, promote your brand and educate customers and prospects about your offers.

Follow these six tips to maximize your marketing efforts:

  1. Say goodbye to the promotion – Do no promotion. Promotional materials are neither exciting nor inspiring. promotion is anti-marketing content.
  2. Be relevant – Content that is not relevant or does not provide a strong interest in the player,  will not bring any success. when you write content, make sure it will be useful to the reader.
  3. Fill empty – Content marketing must answer a question or a problem. A really useful information can even be used at the conclusion of the sale.
  4. Think editorial quality – A poorly written thought can be misinterpreted and can also damage the reputation of the company. Take the time to make sure that your content is presented in a thoughtful way and has no error, the substance and form.
  5.  Follow your goals – Keep your objective in mind. No need to waste your time and resources to create content not going in the direction of your goals.
  6. Provide evidence – You create content related to your business goals, so it can move to the subjective. Make sure that each piece of your content is created or supported by evidence, quotes, stories, statistics, studies.

Writing and publishing articles can generate targeted traffic to your site over a long period of time. Write articles belonging to the theme of your site and submit them to the digg-like or article directories. This allows your items to receive a very high visibility.

In the best case, your articles will be published all over the Internet by other website owners and blogs that need content for their own sites, blogs or newsletters. Writing  articles also helps to build backlinks (links pointing to your site) and build your reputation as an expert in your field.


  • This strategy is good for SEO.
  • Blogs and websites that cite your articles have a common or related subject are so good backlinks.
  • This is a great technique if you prefer quality over quantity.

Need help with your Content Marketing? Orangehat are the experts and we are here to help your business grow. 

Call us today 800-788-8596

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agent June 24, 2013 0 Comments

The chairperson of spam search in Google, Matt Cutts, had taken out a recent video lately, based on the subject of misconception in the optimization industry. To sum up, Matt had shown three topics in this video:

  1. Confusing algorithms of SEO with refreshments of data
  2. Panda and Penguin system are not mercenary for this website
  3. The web optimization industry focuses too much on link building and other search engines.

Updates on Algorithm along with refreshments of data:

Another misconception about which Matt has thrown light upon is confusing algorithmic coding, refreshing data with search engine optimization. This topic is already covered before. An algorithm is a trick by which the Google search engine changes the way it ranks the search engines and results.

It filters the website according to the index. It is updated from time to time. The recent penguin update was on the algorithm update. Before this, the penguin 2 or penguin 3 was just the refreshment of data.

Updates of Penguin and Panda do not procure Google any monetary profit:

Many people are having such ideas that the Panda and penguin updates generated by Google increases its income to a certain extent. Matt differed on this point saying this to be untrue because the algorithms consist of results in organic search and it has no relation with revenue generation.

Instead, Matt added the Panda could decrease the revenue for Google because it would not accept all the sites from the web taking recourse in filtering and thus it lowers the revenue generated from the Ad Sense.

Matt went on explaining how Google focuses on long-term objectives by increasing the happiness of the searchers. It is done in such a way so that they come back again for searching. Google never makes short-term monetary goals.

Too much, focus on search engines and link building:

Matt discussed at the end how the SEO companies focus mainly on search engine and related link building to achieve higher ranks among the web pages. Matt said they could use this time to make people more aware about their website through social networking.

Then he tells us about the history of most popular sites on the net. All those sites have got famous by using the user-friendly approach among its users. The user-friendly experience can cut a niche in the web market.

These suggestions also go to those web-building companies who are starting everything for just a start up.

Agent Orange: SEO Consultant

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agent June 14, 2013 0 Comments

SEO is not so bad!

Orangehat knows SEOSearch engine optimization is here to stay, like it or not—though some people would admit they’re burnt out already. SEO is essentially the bread and butter of getting your site noticed on the Internet.

There’s plenty of resources on the Internet urging webmasters to use SEO. Without it, many people would not have a sure-fire way to get their website noticed by other people. So, why are people becoming burnt out?

Why People Think They Hate SEO

People are simply tired of the information coming from all directions about SEO. As Google and other search engines figure out better ways to combat black-hat and even white-hat SEO techniques, more SEO experts and enthusiasts are figuring out more ways to win their battle against getting consistent web traffic.

SEO is necessary, and as necessary as SEO may be, there’s plenty of negative factors associated with the practice. These are the elements people outright hate about the practice.

Many, though not all, resources simply over-advertise the perks of SEO. Some people even imply that using SEO leads to instant and free web traffic overnight. What many resources fail to mention is using SEO right takes time and some money. When eager new webmasters try SEO and don’t understand why things aren’t happening overnight, it fast becomes discouraging—and it is.

Why People Don’t Actually Hate SEO

Search engines like Google love quality content—even rewarding websites for producing good content by helping them rank better on their search engine results pages.

Search engine optimization is an asset to promoting a website for a business or service—and even yourself. It’s typically used in conjunction with social media to form a viable content marketing campaign. Nowadays, it’s even intrinsic to the practice.

Search engine optimization is useful. It’s great to use for your website. It’s a perfectly legitimate method of generating web traffic. No one honestly should be discouraged from using SEO, since it’s beneficial to getting good web traffic and improving the quality of your website.

Are you getting enough traffic and exposure online? Get a free website analysis and live client examples from Orangehat or call 800-788-8596 today!

Orangehat Content Marketing, SEO, and social media marketing

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agent March 14, 2013 0 Comments

Tags are taking a leap forward

Many search engines out there are still using the old way to tag content throughout the Internet using traditional SEO. Bing is now making it much easier to markup content using “Bing tags.”

In the 1990s, tagging was used to categorize articles, but lately, the search engines have been doing the job. However, tagging needs to be done if the search engines fail to do the job.

Now Bing is making an effort so that it is possible to “tag” a person in a blog post or a webpage. This will make a site’s content more visible and is great for content marketing.

Bing! Tagging

Bing! Tagging uses social media

Bing tagging is going to be visible to the public and this will able people to socially tag a page and then share it on FaceBook and other social sites.

The tagged pages will then be shared with others that are logged onto those social media sites. You can share them with all of your friends, or even individual friends depending on the page that you found over the internet through the help of Bing.

It will also be possible to see tagged pages from friends and will display their names on the tagged sections.

Bing is integrating this so more and more people will be attracted to use this feature, and use the search engine.

Only public Facebook profiles will be able to take advantage of the tagging features.

Find out more information about Bing tags at Search Engine Land.


Agent Orange: SEO Consultant


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agent March 11, 2013 0 Comments

There is no way around good SEO

Ever since SEO has become the most potent weapon for Internet marketers, there have been thousands of people trying find out new ways to trick the Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and have engaged in, what can be at best called shady practices, to get better search engine page ranks. While the primary objective of any content marketing strategy or social media marketing is to eventually create a dominating presence in the virtual world, especially in search results, yet the route taken by SEO experts or content marketing specialists cannot be questionable or illegitimate in the eyes of Google.

There had been a lot of speculation recently that Google penalizes sites that are critical of Google or speak unfavorably about Google’s services, principles and policies. Matt Cutts has clarified that Google has no such policy of penalizing a site that is critical of the company or the search engine giant’s policies but he reiterated that repeat offenders with the clear intention of violating the norms set out by Google Webmaster Guidelines would certainly fall under the scanner and might be hammered down.

It has to be seen from the perspective of websites being devastated because no SEO strategy, content marketing idea or social media dominance can make a tinge of a difference if Google decides to penalize a site and brings its ranking crashing down. Having said that, there have been SEO practices that used names of the likes of Google and other reputed sites or companies to squeeze through the search engine algorithms and get a higher ranking, not by the virtue of content or the ranking of the site but with the help of the presence of essential words that people look for.

Google is all out to penalize all sites that do not have good SEO strategies and if you are working on content marketing or a new SEO strategy, stay in line with Google’s policies.

Don’t let Google trash your site, call us today or fill out our form for free consultation and client examples!


Orangehat Content Marketing, SEO, and social media marketing

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agent March 7, 2013 0 Comments