
Pinterest is rising in popularity and is currently third in line in communication and sharing, right behind Facebook and Twitter.

In January 2012 it was reported that the site had 11.7 million users, the fastest in history to pass the 10 million user mark. The site averages about 11 million visitors per week, the highest percentage of those visitors are females.

Pinterest is very popular with Moms!

Recipes are very popular, do it yourself projects, crafts, fashion and parenting are all very high ranking in top shared content.

The IPad is the choice of device for Pinterest users and most are busy on Pinterest at night (after the kids are asleep, after home from work, etc.)

Users can save, upload, and manage images by “pinning” to their pinboard. The pin is your image, a recipe you have for extra cheesy macaroni for example, is pinned to your board, other users may repin your recipe to their board and so on.

Retail companies are hopping on board the Pinterest wagon as means to advertise.

Think about the possibilities for clothing retailers, a quick and simple way to see what your customers are pinning on their boards gives a quick interpretation of what styles they are planning to buy.

In turn the marketing strategies and style trend analysis provide valuable feedback and this information can be collected and sold as marketing analysis, bringing even more worth to Pinterest. As of February 2013, Pinterest was valued at $2.5 billion.

On top of all the financial value and advertising, Pinterest users have fun pinning and sharing information.

Shouldn’t your business find a way to use this genius slice of social media?

Orangehat is helping others just like yourself use these fast growing far reaching tools.

We can help you too. Call us for a free website analysis, find out what others are doing and how well these strategies are working for them.

What are you waiting for?

Give us a call today at 800-788-8596.

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agent October 28, 2013 0 Comments

Internet Marketing

Believe it or not there are many businesses out there don’t have a website and don’t use Internet for advertising. Say What????

In these days of push a button technology it seems rather extreme that anyone would even dare think of being without a website and all it has to offer for the business.

The Internet is here to stay.

Using the Internet for marketing your business is becoming vitally important to the success of your business.

The Internet reaches a wide audience quickly. Through the Internet you can increase awareness of your product, and you can increase interest in your brand very quickly with the right marketing strategies.

You can target a specific audience using the internet. Have a product that is specifically designed for a teenager? Using clever strategies to personalize your message to your targeted audience.

An undecided internet shopper may look at your product, go away and come back easier than when making trips back and forth to a store. With online purchasing the convenience makes it that much more popular.

Marketing your website using the Internet is relatively inexpensive. For very little investment you can create quite a marketing campaign. Your business becomes more visible.

Offering incentives online such as promo code discounts, shopper rewards, or free shipping are all ways to generate business on your website.

Let Orangehat perform a free website analysis. If you are not fully using your website marketing strategy to its greatest potential you are losing money!

Let your website make more money for you.

Call Orangehat at 800-788-8596

Orangehat Content Marketing, SEO, and social media marketing

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agent October 21, 2013 0 Comments

SMB budgets in 2012 have seen a large increase in digital spending.

With the massive amount of money spent spreading the message, it would seem that the recession we’re in is a myth! Perhaps it is true that consumer spending has taken a hit, but here are some juicy statistics from the BIA/Kelsey SMB Digital Conference in Chicago that reveal some interesting trends with online marketing.

Small business marketing expected to increase 40%  digitally in next 12 months

Small business marketing will see a 30% increase in digital spending.

 This preliminary chart is from the BIA/Kelsey annual Local Commerce Monitor Survey that talks to 300 small businesses. A 40% increase is an outstanding prediction on the growth of small business marketing taking to the digital channels. With the slow improving economy and with the ever increasing media dominance of the consumer, the Internet is driving all marketers to show more focus on the digital realm.

 Small business marketing has nearly doubled using digital media channels over the last 5 years.

An increased audience fragmentation is solely due to digital marketing . I remember the days that you could just put an ad in a Yellow Pages book and attract a nice share of the market. Not the case today, small business marketing plans must promote media buys across multiple channels to get the same audience as they did in the past. Are you?

Small business marketing budgets show SMBs will spend one third on digital media

It is predicted that in the US, the total local ad spend  to be more than $130 Billion in 2013. BIA/Kelsey estimated that in 2010 SMBs spent about 20% of their budgets on digital marketing equating roughly to $5 billion. This means that 30% of small business marketing dollars in 2013 should be somewhere around $9 billion. Don’t get left behind and let your competition have a leg up!

Facebook is dominating the small business marketing digital landscape

It’s free, easy to setup and use, and has over 900 million users! FaceBook is dominating the landscape now and small business marketing has grown tremendously since FaceBook’s conception. There are so many success stories of SMBs taking advantage of FaceBook’s network and the trend is increasing each and every day.

You need a digital small business marketing plan

There is no doubt that the landscape of small business marketing is changing and with these revealing numbers, digital marketing is here to stay. Are you prepared for 2013?

Agent Orange is well versed in search engine optimization terms.



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agent October 2, 2012 0 Comments