Picture Worth A Thousand Words?

Visual Marketing is becoming a must when posting to Social Media.
This includes something as simple as making sure each post contains some type of image or graphics. Yes, sometime the task can seem tedious, inevitably it could make a huge impact on your marketing goals.
Tweet, Tweet
Some people overlook the influence of twitter on Social Media, missing out on a powerful visual marketing platform. One A/B tests found that tweets with images get 55% more leads.

photo credit: opensourceway via photopin cc
Adding an image alone, can almost double its impact.
Submit To Pinterest
Attempting to engage with your ever-growing Pinterest following? Each blog post needs an image that readers can “pin” to Pinterest.
The ideal size for Pinterest images is 735 x 1102 pixels for a vertical image or 735 by 735 pixels for a square image. 735 pixels is the maximum width and 1102 pixels is the perfect length for an image. When you create a Pinterest image, you can embed the pin in the blog post so your readers can repin your perfectly formatted pin.
Photo Albums
You can create albums on Facebook and Google+ that can contain hundreds of photos. These albums are perfect for large events such as conferences and parties. The more pictures you post, the more likely someone will see themselves or someone they recognize. In turn, increases the likelihood of them commenting and re-sharing the pictures with others.

photo credit: sean dreilinger via photopin cc
Ready, Set, Tag!
Company Christmas album equals brand awareness
Automate Facebook Graphics
There are two ways to include a graphic in a Facebook post about a story. One is to create a graphic, upload it to Facebook, and include the post URL in your caption. The second is to share a link directly to Facebook, and let it pull in the image for the story.
Since Facebook updated its algorithm, our experience is that the latter method results in far more views on Facebook (and Facebook only).
Don’t Just Hangout on Google +
One of the most innovative features of Google+ is Hangouts on Air (HOA). This enables you to create live video interviews featuring experts and guests. Once your live Hangout is done, Google automatically turns it into a YouTube video that you can then share on all of your other social media accounts.
Give it a try! Here are two resources to help you make awesome HOAs:How to Be A Google+ Hangout Hot Shot and Take Your Google+ Hangout Series to the Next Level.
We hope this gives you some fresh ideas and new ways to incorporate visual marketing into your social media plan.